Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay Interview of a Health Care Leader - 1391 Words

Running head: INTERVIEW OF HEALTH CARE LEADER Interview of Health Care Leader Jonell Benson University of Phoenix NURS/492 August 16, 2010 Charles Silveri Interview of Health Care Leader A leader is a person who has a vision (Owen, 2002). A leader has drive and is committed to achieving their goals and vision. Leaders focus their attention on problems that need to be fixed, and will tackle the situation at hand. Leaders are determined, motivated, careful planners and effective communicators. Leaders are positive and do not waste time and effort with negativity. Effective communication is more than just being able to speak and write. An effective leaders communication encourages people to work toward their goals. A leader is†¦show more content†¦G.O. describes a leader as someone who can motivate and inspire their team to meet set objectives and constantly think outside of the box. She further explains that a leader understands that they must have the commitment and support of their team to be a true leader. A true leader leads by example and is always open to suggestions on how to improve their leadership skills. A leader must possess certain qualities to be effective, explains G.O. A leader is honest, supportive, understanding, firm, knowledgeable, a team player; open to change, empathetic, flexible, a good listener, and one who is constantly engaged in opportunities to increase their knowledge base. G.O.’s personal philosophy of leadership is, â€Å"never forget where you come from. â€Å"As I grow in my professional career, I never forget the past. This helps me to encourage, mentor, and support future nurses and current nurses to continue to reach for the stars and if they fall to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and try again. G.O. has encountered several learning experiences that have affected her career in one way or another. The learning experiences that have impacted her career most has been her involvement with the Chicago Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association. This organization has helped to build her confidence as a nursing professional and has fostered herShow MoreRelatedEssay on Interview of Health Care Leader1425 Words   |  6 PagesInterview of Health Care Leader Lori Raulerson NUR/492 April 30, 2012 Berthenya Dunbar Interview of Health Care Leader In today’s rapid changing world, leaders are very pertinent, especially in the field of nursing. Good nursing leaders have the ability to provide direction, facilitate structure to reach goals, and cohesiveness throughout team members. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

world around 1600 - 1690 Words

link 2 (gr10) The world around 1600 History Essay The World around 1600 Essay The 1600 was a time of great changes in the world. Trade and expansion dominated almost all societies. Ming China, the Songhai and Mughal Empires can be in contrast to European societies as they were ‘advanced societies’ technologically and scientifically. However these three empires collapsed due to invasions and revolts, whereas Europe, in the Middle Ages was secular, dominated by the church and the land owning nobility, whereas Europe grew in strength once the merchant class became dominant and weakening the power of the church. The merchant driven quest for new markets eventually led the colonization of Africa, China and India. Ming China had a†¦show more content†¦The rulers lost control over trade and began to lose control of the empire in the 16th century. As with the Ming China Empire struggle for power led to weakening of the Empire. There was eventually a civil war in the Songhai Empire. The Songhai Empire was finally defeated by an invasion from Morocco using gunpowder in 1591. The Mughal Empire was led by Babur from Persia who invaded India in 1526. Later under Akbar (156-1605) the Golden Age for the empire came into being. Local sultans were conquered the capital was Delhi. The empire relied on the support of local rulers who remained in power but had to pay tax to the emperor. A similar system to that of the Songhai Empire. The government was efficient, and powerful. This was a secure empire that practised religious tolerance. Unlike the Songhai and Ming China Empire the nobility and wealthier women in Mughal Empire were kept out of public sight in separate areas where they lived in harems. Some women were influential and educated, but men had control over political and economic developments. The noble or wealthier women funded the artistic achievements and assisted the poor. Unlike the Ming China Empire and the Songhai Empire, some royal women influenced the imperial policy. Rural women would work in the fields and were controlled by husbands. Trade increased under the Mughals and merchant communities grew in a way similar to the Songhai Empire. They traded with China and south-east Asia. Ships fromShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Before The 1700s?892 Words   |  4 Pagesthere was globalisation before the 1600s? ] As Martin Luther King had said, ‘It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated’1. Globalisation is a term that can be defined in various ways. It is a complex process that does not have a clear beginning or end, rather it is something that has developed, strengthened and deepened over time. Globalisation is a process of integration, interconnection and exchange between peoples from different parts of the world. 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Research in Business Social Media Sites

Question: Discuss about the Research in Business for Social Media Sites. Answer: Introduction Social media sites and tools like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogs contribute in generation of potential information to the consumers regarding the product, services and also of the company brand. It enhances the level of collaboration and communication between the consumers and also between the company and the consumers thereby enhancing the level of responsiveness of the firm in addressing the information needs of the people. The generation of needed information in a readily fashion and also in engaging consumers in generating feedbacks rightly helps in influencing their purchase decisions(Khanlari, 2015). Social media potentially contributes in generation of effective information regarding products and services generated by the firm and thereby in helping the consumers take effective purchase decisions. The same encourages the level of consumer loyalty and thus encourages repeat purchases thereby enhancing firms revenue potential. Further, use of social media also helps the firms in reaching larger set of audiences spread along international markets thereby enhancing the market presence(Ayanso, 2014). Aims and Objectives Aims The research aims in understanding the influence of social media on the buying behaviour of the consumers and also as an effective promotional instrument in enhancing firms profitability. Objectives The objectives of the research activity are: To understand the influence of social media on the buying behaviour of the consumers. To evaluate the use of social media as a promotional technique on the firms profitability. Brief Methodology Research Paradigm The research activity is carried out through the employment of two types of research paradigms viz. Interpretivism and Positivism. Interpretivism research contributes in gaining an in-depth of the influence of social media on consumer purchase behaviours and also its contribution to business profitability. Conducting of Interpretivism research requires the development of unstructured questions for interviewing purposes. The employment of positivism research philosophy requires the development of structured questionnaires for conducting of needed surveys of consumer respondents regarding the impacts of social media on their purchase intentions (Brown, 2010). Research Design The employment of both inductive and deductive research designs is required in the current research. Development of inductive research design requires the researcher for reviewing potential literatures associated with the research issue. The study of different literatures contributes in the development of conceptual understanding of the influence of social media on consumer behaviour and also its impact on the profitability of the firm. It further helps in the generation of conceptual models and theories. The incorporation of deductive research in turn requires the generation of research hypotheses. The research activity is carried out for proving the research hypotheses through the generation of structured questionnaires that for carrying out surveys and in quantifying the inferences through the use of graphs and charts (Trujillo Taylor, 2001). Research Approach The research activity is conducted by employing both exploratory and analytical research approaches. The exploratory approach requires developing unstructured questions that helps the researcher in exploring the research topic. Inferences gained from the conducting of focused interviews are elucidatory and qualitative. The employment of analytical research approach requires the development of structured questions for carrying out surveys. Inferences gained from surveys are analysed based on the use of quantitative techniques like statistical and diagrammatic analysis (Tingli Chengqing, 2010). Research Strategy Research strategies like secondary, primary, qualitative, and quantitative are needed to be employed for carrying out the research. Secondary research activities relate to the employment of literary resources like books, peer reviewed journal articles, other online articles and also company websites and annual and customer satisfaction reports for the understanding of the influence of social media both on consumer purchasing habits and also on the profitability aspects. Employment of primary research serves in generating contemporary and pragmatic information based on interviewing and surveying of respondents. The conducting of interview based primary research and secondary research activities contribute in the generation of qualitative inferences while that of survey based primary research generates quantitative inferences (Babbie, 2009). Sampling and Data Collection Data collection process concerning the interview process requires the development of a focused group of organisational managers. The focused group is constructed through the use of Cluster Sampling approach that helps in randomly selecting 20 managerial respondents from managerial clusters involved in different firms. The researcher focuses on collecting data through conducting face-to-face interviews and recording the responses through recording gadgets and use of interview transcripts. The survey approach requires the researcher for selection of survey respondents through incorporating stratified random sampling approach. It helps in the selection of 100 respondents from groups like staffs and consumers and thereby in mailing and online distributing the survey questionnaires for gaining of needful responses (Babbie, 2009). References Ayanso, A., 2014. Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics. United Kingdom : IGI Global. Babbie, E., 2009. The Practice of Social Research. USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Brown, A.P., 2010. Qualitative method and compromise in applied social research. Qualitative Research, 10(2), pp.229-48. Khanlari, A., 2015. Strategic Customer Relationship Management in the Age of Social Media. United Kingdom : IGI Global. Tingli, L. Chengqing, W., 2010. Empirical Research on Economic Impact of Mega-Event: Based on the Case of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Management and Service Science (MASS), pp.1-4. Trujillo, N. Taylor, B., 2001. Qualitative Research Methods. In Jablin, F.M. Putnam, L. The new handbook of organizational communication. USA: Sage Publication. pp.161-65.